Posts tagged with "vinyl"

General · 30. July 2019
There are many new datamined wraps, materials and armor packs. It seems some of them, including the new crystal armor, will be available via the Cataclysm event and not in the store. 👍
General · 01. June 2019
If you are an EA Access member sign in to the game to unlock a new vinyl.

General · 30. May 2019
The latest game update had lots of hidden things inside. Anthem Archive posted screenshots of datamined armor, wraps and files about the Cataclysm. Tge cataclysm seems to involve lots of new freeplay events with strange crystals including new enemies like a crystal Ursix. But it's all data mined and subject to change. Below are images of things to expect in the store soon.

Events · 25. April 2019
A new live event is available now! You can track it in the new "Live-Events" category under challenges.

General · 24. April 2019
So it appears we'll be receiving melee weapons in the future, plus new armors and skins! Thanks to Anthem Archive, we get an indication of what's possibly coming up in Anthem's near future. Featuring gameplay of the new Sunken Stronghold with the Ranger. Source: Open World Games

From BioWare · 28. January 2019
Play the VIP Demo to unlock new items in the full game.